Ram Temple - With Malice Toward None


There can be many views on the just inaugurated Ram Temple. depending on what is your world view ;

One. We are a resilient race , no matter how much time it took , we undid what Babar did to us.

Two. If they have Mecca, Medina, Vatican then why can n't we have Ram temple at Ayodhya.

Three.. Religion does not bring peace. No amount of temples, mosques, churches will bring peace and prosperity , is there peace in Jerusalem, is Islamic world living in peace, England and france fought 100 years religious war, so how can Ayodhya Mandir will bring peace and harmony.

Four. Running down each others' religion and proving that my religion is the best is not going to help, Faith has no logic and rationale. One can not say ; My Logic is Logic but your logic has no basis. So, Ram temple is justified, we just corrected the wrong.

Five, Even after 500 years we human beings are still the same, we also behaved like BABAR.

My view is ; kindly keep ones faith and religious beliefs at home , it is a personal choice, it does not require to be ADVERTISED and DISPLAYED . Relationship with God is a personal affair, yes we may have our own places of worshipping our Gods, but we do not have to destroy others' Places.

I bet even after this Ram Temple , India will remain as CORRUPT as it was yesterday, our Police, Hospitals and Governance will remain as inefficient as they were Yesterday.

Religion and temples have never energised a Community and lead them to Greatness. Yes they became the cause of deterioration of many civilisations. It is the Science, Scientific temper, Good Administration, Quality Educational Institutions that has lead the Nations and Societies reach greatness.

The Only people who benefit from this pompous display of Religion are Politicians, Businessmen linked to Politicians, Sycophants and the Priestly class, in case of Ayodhya ; Brahmins.

If one doesn't believe these words, open your history books and check who built the temples, who looked after them, who monopolized education, what is the advantage of monopolizing education. And finally what cumulative impact it had on the society as a whole.

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Our journey as a modern nation statestarted in 1947 with the historic speech byPandit Jawaharlal Nehru, with 95% illiteracy, barely any industry and transport system, armed forces that were divided due to partition lacking equipment was largely in disarray, if there were guns- then the dial sights were taken away by Pakistanis, making the guns ineffective, if there were files- maps were taken way by Pakistanis, if there were battalions, half the men had gone away to Pakistan and so on.

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