Difference between Patriotism and Nationalism


A patriot takes pride in their country for its actions and achievements, while a nationalist displays unwavering pride regardless of the country's deeds.

As another scholar noted, patriotism embodies a commitment to the entire nation, inclusive of all its inhabitants, whereas nationalism prioritizes one group above all others ; treating others as second grade citizens.

General Charles de Gaulle, who led the Free France movement against Nazi Germany and later served as President of France, aptly defined patriotism as ; “ prioritizing love for one's own people, whereas nationalism manifests as animosity towards those outside that group”.

Building upon this, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that patriotism and nationalism stand in direct opposition, with nationalism constituting a betrayal of genuine patriotism.

Therefore, while nationalism fixates on factors like language and cultural homogeneity, patriotism centers on shared values and beliefs, nurturing a deep-seated love for the nation and its people.

For example, a nationalist might insist on linguistic uniformity and insist non hindi speakers to learn and speak in Hindi, whereas a patriot embraces diversity as long as individuals abide by the nation's laws and show affection for their homeland.

However, in recent years, many patriotic Indians, particularly under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, have transitioned towards hyper-nationalism. This shift has resulted in a concerning erosion of cherished national values such as justice, secularism, equality, fraternity, and liberty.

Criticizing the current government is often misconstrued as anti-national, while acts of violence against minorities are sometimes celebrated under the guise of nationalism.

For instance ; The nationalists get a sadistic pleasure when innocent muslims are lynched to death (as if they deserved this death), or when a muslim praying on road is kicked from behind(little realsing they themselves during ganesh utsav, durga pujans flout the same rules), they keep mum when a woman is being molested by a hindu and call them anti nationals, who take up that cause, they( Nationalists) celebrate when the elected MLAs are hijacked and taken to a remote corner of the country inorder to topple a state Govt, and they get worried when the National bank hides data of corporate donations and corruption is covered up.

These nationalists are not realising that By prioritizing a narrow interpretation of national identity over the well-being and rights of all citizens, they are undermining the fabric of society and eroding trust in democratic institutions.

History offers ample warning of the dangers posed by unchecked nationalism. Adolf Hitler's rise in Germany and Mussolini's ascent in Italy both exploited patriotic sentiments to advance destructive nationalist agendas.

Therefore, it's crucial to distinguish between patriotism, which fosters unity and inclusivity, and nationalism that encourages Sychophancy and  often leads to division, hatred, violence, and suffering.

A patriot takes ; I AM OK , YOU ARE OK position , whereas a Nationalist takes a position ; I AM OK YOU ARE NOT OK. 

Become a Patriot and love the country for its values and beliefs.

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Our journey as a modern nation statestarted in 1947 with the historic speech byPandit Jawaharlal Nehru, with 95% illiteracy, barely any industry and transport system, armed forces that were divided due to partition lacking equipment was largely in disarray, if there were guns- then the dial sights were taken away by Pakistanis, making the guns ineffective, if there were files- maps were taken way by Pakistanis, if there were battalions, half the men had gone away to Pakistan and so on.

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